Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Fresh Start

Hello, my name is Katelyn nice to meet you. That's the best way to introduce myself I suppose. Life's been pretty hectic for the past few months... I just graduated high school last week and now I have to pack up all my belongings and move on.

"time heals nothing unless you move along with it."

That's my inspirational quote of the summer because for most of my life I've been dwelling in the past. Past relationships, past mistakes, and the past me. So I've decided to make some changes. And this time it will most certainly be for the better. 

1. Do things that truly make me happy

Things like this. I've loved writing for as long as I can remember, so why not indulge in it a little. I'm not sure how this blog will turn out. It might grow with me or it might be left behind. Like so many other obsessions that brought me joy once upon a time, this makes me happy right now. Which brings me to the next big change. 

2. Do things in the moment
Anxiety. yeah, that's a real thing. A thing that's haunted me for years. It's held me back from doing so many exciting, adventurous, and new things, so what better a time to heal and rebuild than in the midst of starting fresh. 

3. Love Without Boundaries

 And finally, the thing that started this revolution in my mind. Reckless Love. 
Without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action. I want to love recklessly. Regardless of gender or race or religion. Regardless of  where I end up in life, or how I got there. I want to love. 

I've spent my whole life being bitter towards the world a for all of the terrible things it encompasses, and angry at all of the people who allow bad things to happen. I wish I would've taken a step back from everything a while ago and looked at the big picture. But I  guess I can't keep going back to past mistakes. Let's move on shall we?

Here's what I'm thinking about in the now: this world is what you make it, and I have the power to change it for the better. Whether  it's merely through bettering my life, or  by bettering the lives of others, I am determined to view the world through a different lens.

This post was pretty short and sweet I suppose. Don't worry, I'll get into the nitty gritty details of my life soon enough. I'll leave you with this though: 

The best way to introduce yourself is not with an awkward hello or a simple handshake, but with an open mind, an open heart, and an idea that breaks the mold.